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Star Wars: Clone Wars

Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Premiere: August 15, 2008
Status: Post Production
On the front lines of an intergalactic struggle between good and evil, fans young and old will join such favorite characters as Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Padmea Amidala, along with brand-new heroes like Anakin's padawan learner, Ahsoka. Sinister villains led by Palpatine, Count Dooku and General Grievous are poised to rule the galaxy. Stakes are high, and the fate of the Star Wars universe rests in the hands of the daring Jedi Knights. Their exploits lead to the action-packed battles and astonishing new revelations that fill Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Produced by Lucasfilm Animation, "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" takes audiences on incredible new "Star Wars" adventures, combining the legendary storytelling of Lucasfilm with an eye-popping, signature animation style. The theatrical debut of "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" is only the beginning of all-new "Star Wars" adventures that continue in the fall when the long-awaited television series premieres on Cartoon Network, followed by airings on TNT.

Start Watching Star Wars: Clone Wars


Anakin Skywalker
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Padmé Amidala
Mace Windu
Plo Koon
Count Dooku
Asajj Ventress
General Grievous
Nute Gunray
Kit Fisto
Shaak Ti
Aayla Secura
Grievous' Bodyguards
Battle Droids
Super Battle Droids
Clone Troopers
Commander Cody
Captain Rex
Padmé Amidala
Jar Jar Binks
Echo (First appearance)
Onaconda Farr
Boba Fett
Commander Gree
Hevy (First appearance)
Captain Rex (First appearance)
Rotta (First appearance)
Wat Tambor
Commander Thire
Ahsoka Tano (First appearance)
Jabba Desilijic Tiure
Bib Fortuna
Luminara Unduli